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Shallon Weis |
Trying to find the right investment professional for you? Here are some questions to ask in your initial consult. Bradford Financial Center has over 50 years of experience in helping clients reach their goals through investing.
Shallon Weis |
Teens are adults in training and an important part of your family's financial picture. Help them build good habits so they're ready for the future with helpful tips from our latest blog.
Shallon Weis |
Assessing risk tolerance is important in financial planning, But do you understand how vital both your financial and emotional risk tolerance are to your portfolio performance? We dig into this topic to help you learn more.
It's hard not to get emotional about the world's news these days and consider their impact on the market. Even with planning, our actions can be skewed by our emotions. Is it possible to overcome them?
As your parents age, they may become less capable of managing their own finances. At Bradford Financial Center, we believe it's important to facilitate open communication between parents and children and in this latest blog, we offer some ways to approach the subject.
Is there a risk of not starting your retirement savings early in life? This helpful video shares the retirement strategy of compound interest in investing and maps the payoff in simple terms. *This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a prediction or guarantee of actual results, nor does it intend to represent the performance of any specific investment. It is not intended to illustrate the performance of any specific product. It does not reflect any charges, fees, taxes or other expenses which would cause actual performance to be lower. The rates of return in this example are hypothetical and investments that have the potential to provide greater return will have greater associated risks. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Shallon Weis |
Special thanks to inflation, changes in health care insurance, and a variety of other factors this isn't the retirement your grandparents had. These factors make planning for retirement about more than just saving. Bradford Financial Center outlines these critical retirement planning areas.